Experience the mesmerizing world of "IBIZA LIGHTS" by the Groupe JPRX, a groundbreaking collaboration between JeanDeVersailles Productions and Philip Maruani. JPRX is an emerging band at the forefront of the electronic music movement, widely recognized as the pioneers of the renowned "French Touch Disco" genre. Their latest track pushes boundaries, embracing the essence of electronic music while fusing futuristic sounds with infectious rhythms.
But JPRX doesn't stop there. They are actively engaging with the forefront of technological advancements, including AI and the exciting realms of Web3 and the Metaverse. Through these innovative platforms, they are exploring new avenues to captivate a broader audience and present their music in unprecedented ways.
Enter the world of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), where art and technology converge. With cutting-edge technology, JPRX is bringing you an NFT experience like no other. This NFT not only represents a unique piece of art but also grants you the incredible opportunity to attend concerts in the metaverse. Imagine immersing yourself in the pulsating beats and electrifying atmosphere of JPRX's live performances, all within the digital realm.
Prepare to be enchanted by "IBIZA LIGHTS" and embark on a journey through the ethereal landscapes of electronic music. As JPRX pioneers the convergence of music, technology, and immersive experiences, they invite you to join them on this remarkable venture. Don't miss your chance to own a piece of history and dive into the boundless possibilities of the Metaverse.
Experience "IBIZA LIGHTS" today and become part of the future of music exploration.
Prenez contact avec nous pour un devis gratuit et personnalisé.
6 Rue noircarne, 06110 Le Cannet, France
Contact Commercial
Tel : + 33 61 59 22 497
Email : jeandeversailles@jdv.one
JeanDeVersailles Productions
marque déposée à L'INPI
2019 Copyright © Tous droits réservés.